Gender Expansive Live Streaming Symposium

October 4-5, 2024
Northampton, Massachusetts

The Gender Expansive Live Streaming Symposium (GELSS) is a two-day event to investigate, debate, and celebrate the gender expansive activism that women, non-binary, and trans folks engage in on live streaming platforms around the world.

The organizers of GELSS invite scholars and practitioners across a range of disciplines (including computer science, media studies, communications, gender studies, game studies, sociology, anthropology, and beyond) to join us on the campus of Smith College for the first symposium focused on live streaming culture studies. Our featured guest speakers will share their knowledge with workshop participants and conference attendees during the symposium.

Scholars of live streaming interested in participating in the pre-conference workshop should respond to the Call for Participation by September 6th September 20th. Those who are accepted will also get an opportunity to share a short talk during the main conference. Curious students and senior academics interested in learning more about the intersection of live streaming and gender expression should register to attend by September 20th October 4th.

The full program is now available.

GELSS Live Stream

Important Dates

Aug. 12 Registration & Call for Participation Open
Sept. 6 Sept. 20 Call for Participation Closes
Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Workshop Acceptance Notifications
Sept. 20 Oct. 4 Registration Closes
Oct. 4 GELSS Day One (Workshop)
Oct. 5 GELSS Day Two (Conference)