Call for Participation

Deadline extended to September 20, 2024!

We invite applications to participate in a roundtable workshop that will take place on October 4, 2024.

During the first day of the Gender Expansive Live Streaming Symposium we will convene ten guest experts with a select group of researchers and practitioners in a comfy workshop environment for lively discourse around the topic. On the second day, we will hold a public conference featuring a series of keynotes, panels, and lightning talks given by workshop participants.

Calling All Live Streaming Scholars

Researchers and practitioners at all levels from any discipline (including computer science, media studies, communications, gender studies, game studies, sociology, anthropology, and beyond) are welcome to apply to attend the workshop.

Students (undergraduates or graduates) and junior scholars are especially encouraged to submit materials, no matter their stage, for consideration.

Submission Format

Workshop applicants may submit a either a research abstract or a summary of interest to be considered. If you would like to discuss your research at the symposium, whether preliminary findings or a complete paper, please submit a formal abstract. Alternatively, if you are applying to attend as a participant without specific work to present, please submit a brief summary of your interest in the topic of gender expansive live streaming.

Research abstracts and summaries of interest should be one page maximum.

Complete the GELSS 2024 Workshop Participation Application by September 6th September 20th (deadline extended!) for full consideration. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by September 16th September 23rd.

Lightning Talks

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to share their research (or experiences) with the broader symposium audience during the main conference. While optional, we will strongly encourage participants to give 5-minute lightning talks summarizing their recent live streaming work, recapping insights gleaned from the first day of the event, or charting courses for future studies.

Rapid PechaKucha-style presentations are a great low-stakes way to connect with other attendees about new ideas, so we hope to see participants from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds taking the stage.