
Registration now closing on September 30, 2024!

We welcome attendees to register for the main conference which will take place on October 5, 2024.

Join us for an interactive all-day event where we will investigate, debate, and celebrate the gender expansive activism that women, non-binary, and trans folks are engaging in on live streaming platforms around the world. Featured speakers will share insightful keynotes and expert panels, and pre-conference workshop participants will offer lightning talks about fresh topics.

Welcoming Anyone (Interested) in Live Streaming

Scholars and practitioners at all levels from any field (including computer science, media studies, communications, gender studies, game studies, sociology, anthropology, and beyond) are welcome to attend the conference. Live streaming culture studies is an incredibly interdisciplinary emerging area, so curious scholars new to the topic are certainly encouraged to register.

This symposium is meant for students (both undergraduates and graduates), senior academics, and industry professionals alike. The main conference will be a chance for scholars from a variety of disciplines to convene for exciting discussions at the intersection of live streaming and gender expression.

Registration Details

Registration for all attendees, whether students, practitioners, junior scholars, or tenured professors, is completely free. However, seating in the event hall is limited; so registration is offered on a first come, first served basis.

Interested attendees should complete the GELSS 2024 Conference Registration at their earliest convenience. Registration will close on September 20th September 30th (extended!).